On 9/6/07, David Ferguson <ferguson.david@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm hoping that you guys can help me solve this issue. I'm using Subversion
> 1.4.3 with Apache 2.2.3 as the server. Whenever I commit a large file of
> about 50 MB or more, I get a "timed out waiting for server" message.
> Inspecting the repository after the fact, I can see that the commit actually
> happened--the post-commit hook script even ran. But as you can see from the
> output below, the client times out waiting on the server.
> Any ideas what is going on here? Is there a parameter to tweak that will
> make the client "just wait longer?"
Yes, there's a parameter to make the client 'just wait longer': check
your .subversion area for the http-timeout configuration parameter.
Also, could it be that you have a pre- or post-commit hook which takes
a long time to run? If it's not sending any output to the client, you
should probably try to make the post-commit hook (if any) detach from
the server: the server waits for the post-commit to complete, in order
to be able to send back any output to the client.
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Received on Fri Sep 28 11:00:49 2007