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RE: Fwd

From: Srilakshmanan, Lakshman <lakshman.srilakshmanan_at_police.vic.gov.au>
Date: 2007-09-28 06:44:32 CEST

Eureka....:) Correct.
CAREFUL : When you are copying from the checked out version (WC) of
branch/test into the checked out version of branch/initial REMEMBER
__NOT__ to copy the .svn/_svn directories.
A quicker way would be to perform an svn switch of your branch/test to
refer to branch/initial and commit the work in without the need for
copying from one working copy into another. If what I said last looks
complicated don't do it. Just copy the files, svn add and svn commit as
described previously.


From: JfK Viper [mailto:jfk.viper@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 28 September 2007 2:18 PM
To: Srilakshmanan, Lakshman
Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Fwd

Looks like I didn't read earlier email properly. As I am going crazy
here, I thought svn co as commit and not chekout.

Now I got the idea. checkout /branch/test, and also /branch/initial,
then copy the files from /test to /initial folder and them add them and
them merge it to the main line of development.

Am i right?
Once I do that I will have the latest code in trunk and then create
branches off of it, in normal way? right?

Just let me know if I am in right way.

After checking out the files from /branch/test, I copy all those files

On 9/27/07, JfK Viper <jfk.viper@gmail.com> wrote:

        Sorry to be so annoying,
        But when you say add all your files, How do I do it ?
        I have all the files in https://../project/branch/test and I do
not have those files with me outside anymore.
        The only way I can have them is by checking them out from
        Once I check them out from the https://../project/test how can i
add them to https://../project/branch/initial.
        svn add and svn co work commit to the same url from where I
checked out the code.
        Please point me to right direction.
        You all have been very helpful to me .
        On 9/27/07, Srilakshmanan, Lakshman <
<mailto:lakshman.srilakshmanan@police.vic.gov.au> > wrote:

                Hi JfK
                The easiest option would be to
                svn cp https://.../project/trunk
https://.../project/branch/initial -m "creating an initial project"
                svn co https://.../project/branch/initial
                add all your files
                svn merge https://.../project/branch/initial into
                svn delete <https://.../project/branch/initial>
https://.../project/branch <https://.../project/branch/test> /test

                From: JfK Viper [mailto:jfk.viper@gmail.com]
                Sent: Friday, 28 September 2007 1:20 PM
                To: Talden
                Cc: Srilakshmanan, Lakshman; users@subversion.tigris.org
                Subject: Re: Fwd
                Sorry, but I still didn't get my answer.
                I remember how I started my branch.
                mkdir Project
                cd Project
                mkdir trunk
                mkdir branches; cd branches; mkdir test
                mkdir tags
                and then I did svn import of this file. So looks like I
should not have imported the test directory like this way.
                So, My question is can i copy that code to trunk as
/trunk/test now, and then wipe out the /test directory from branch? and
then create a new branch using svn cp svn cp
https://.../project/trunk/test https://.../project/branches/test -
creating a private branch of /project/trunk
                                                     svn cp
https://../project/trunk/test https://../project/branches/test1 -
creating a private branch of /project/trunk
                Will that be ok from then onwards ?
                Sorry for so many posts, and for not being able to
understand properly.

                On 9/27/07, Talden <talden@gmail.com> wrote:

                        You can start adding code in a branch. The
issue is how you started
                        the branch. A branch should be created as a
copy of trunk.
                        svn cp https://.../project/trunk
                        https://.../project/branches/newBranch -m
"Created newBranch in
                        Then you checkout the branch, make your changes
and commit them.
                        Now you merge those changes back to the trunk
using 'svn log' on the
                        branch to find the start of the revision range
you want to merge and
                        then using that information in an 'svn merge'
                        On 9/28/07, JfK Viper < jfk.viper@gmail.com
<mailto:jfk.viper@gmail.com> > wrote:
> Sorry Srilakhsman that I again sent my
question in your personal email,
> directly. I have again posted to users group.
> Sorry for create confusion,
> but the currently codes are in /branch/test.
( I knew that I should have
> commited the code in /trunk and then branch it
out from there,
> but I thought I could always copy those files
from /branch/test to /trunk
> and then start from there when i am really
ready for it.)
> So what I am planning to do right now is , use
svn copy
> https://.../Project/branch/test
https://../Project/trunk/test ------
> and then
> use svn delete ...<test>
> > /test
> >
> > Now my repository should have fresh start,
> >
> > I can do svn copy
> https://...Project/branch/test
> >
> svn copy
> https://../Project/trunk/test
> https://..Project/branch/test1
> >
> and so on to create
new branches
> out of the trunk.
> > Do you think this will create any problem,
in future ?
> >
> > I do not see any other alternative or good
way to deal with this.
> >
> > Any thoughts.

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Received on Fri Sep 28 06:44:35 2007

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