Reuben Avery wrote:
>i need to be able to maintain the modified dates on files during an svn
>import. [...]
>as i am trying to mirror a clientıs website into the subversion repository
>but need to maintain those dates for reporting and site mirroring purposes.
if you only need the information, you could use a custom property.
I've written a batch script (i'm on windows here) that sets a "mtime"
property on all files in a given directory (which must be a working
copy already). No recursion into subdirectories yet, but should be
easy to add.
For using this method to "import", you need to create an empty target
directory in the repository first, "svn co" over the directory to
import and then "svn add" everything.
After that you can use the batch file and commit.
Here's the batch script
>@echo off
>if %1! == !%1 goto noDir
>dir /A-D %1 | gawk "/^[0-9]/ {i++; system(\"svn propset mtime \\\"\"$1\" \"$2\"\\\" \"$(NF))} END {print i}"
>goto end
>echo "
>echo " use setDateProp to set the mtime property of files
>echo " in a svn working copy to the 'modification' date of the
>echo " original file
>echo "
>echo " usage: cd <path-to-workingCopy>
>echo " setDateProp <path-to-sourceFolder>
>echo "
>echo " to be run from the working copy folder!
>echo "
>echo " specify <path-to-source-folder> as parameter (may
>echo " be '.\' to point to the working copy folder).
>echo "
I'm using a gnuwin32 port of gawk, because I use it a lot and could
not think of an pur dos way quickly.
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Received on Fri Sep 21 09:04:40 2007