I ran the following commands in order, per the subclipse FAQ:
./configure --enable-ssl --enable-javahl --with-jdk=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11
make javahl
make install
make install-javahl
It does seem to be putting the javahl libraries in the /usr/local/lib
directory so I think it's building and installing them correctly. make check
is telling me that it can't find the svnjavahl folder in java.library.path,
but as soon as I figure out how to fix that I'll run the unit tests.
I'm using CentOS 4.4. I do see Subversion in the Add/Remove program list,
but I don't see JavaHL. Executing "yum install subversion-javahl" gave me
"no match for argument 'subversion-javahl'".
On 9/17/07, Mark Phippard <> wrote:
> On 9/17/07, David Land <> wrote:
> > Sorry for the confusion regarding the author(s) of Subclipse and the
> reasons
> > why it isn't easier to install on Linux. I totally agree that the likely
> > culprit here is me and that I don't have something configured right. I'd
> > just like to get through this so I can actually get some work done. :)
> >
> > I downloaded the dependencies package (APR, neon, zlib, etc.) from
> tigris
> > using the URL I mentioned previously. I simply extracted the
> dependencies
> > tar file into the same file that I extracted the subversion source into
> > before I compiled everything. That seemed to allow subversion to
> compile. Do
> > the dependencies not get copied into the appropriate places by the make
> > install command? Do I need to include some path to the dependencies
> > somewhere in eclipse? Is there a log file somewhere that will tell me
> which
> > dependencies aren't being found?
> Subversion would not compile without the dependencies. But did you do
> make install etc.. so that they are all installed. Also, even though
> they built, it does not mean they work. Did you run make check?
> > I don't know much about how this instantiation of CentOS was built. I do
> > know that Subclipse was not on it when I got it though, if that answers
> your
> > question.
> Which version of CentOS are you running? I have CentOS 5 available
> and Subversion and JavaHL are both available in its packaging system,
> you just need to install them. I think the same is true for CentOS 4.
> For example, if I open Add/Remove programs and click the Search tab
> and type "subversion" I can see Subversion and JavaHL packages already
> to just install. Likewise from the command line I could just run:
> yum install subversion
> yum install subversion-javahl
> --
> Thanks
> Mark Phippard
Received on Tue Sep 18 00:37:14 2007