This is a clean installation, no hooks were setup, i have only the .tmpl files in the hooks directory.
-Garrett Marone
>>> "Larry Martell" <> 9/17/2007 1:59 PM >>>
On 9/17/07, Garrett Marone <> wrote:
> Hi, I've got subversion 1.4.5 installed on my opensuse 10.2 box, and =
> subversion installed on my windows xp with tortoisesvn. I've been trying =
> to get a commit to work, and I've gone so far as to modify so that anon =
> access has write, and removed the authz and password-db entries from =
> svnserve.conf, still no go. Anyone have any ideas?
> ------------svnserve.conf------------
> ### This file controls the configuration of the svnserve daemon, if you
> ### use it to allow access to this repository. (If you only allow
> ### access through http: and/or file: URLs, then this file is
> ### irrelevant.)
> ### Visit for more information.
> [general]
> realm = video-server
> #password-db = passwd
> #authz-db = authz
> anon-access = write
> auth-access = write
> -----------------------
> root@sagan:/root/repo/video-server> svn ci
> Log message unchanged or not specified
> a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
> c
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: Authorization failed
> root@sagan:/root/repo/video-server>
Is there a pre-commit hook that is preventing the commit because
you did not supply a log message?
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Received on Mon Sep 17 23:05:07 2007