On 9/14/07, Jason Winnebeck <jpwasp@rit.edu> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Winnebeck [mailto:jpwasp@rit.edu]
> ...
> I'd like to have a tool that can help manage autoprops
> ...
> ---------
> Seriously, I looked for an hour and immediately after sending the mail I
> found the svn_apply_autoprops script at
> http://svn.collab.net/viewvc/svn/trunk/contrib/client-side/svn_apply_aut
> oprops.py?view=markup
> I could probably use this as a base for how I want it to work. Looking
> at its documentation it doesn't seem to do exactly what I want, it just
> blindly applies propset for any properties. However, it does do it on a
> WC, so I can preview the operations before committing, in case there
> were any manual overrides.
svn_apply_autoprops does OK, but there are a couple thigns to be aware of:
1) It'll erase any existing props on files. So, if you have props that
don't match your auto-props, and you like them...ouch.
2) It doesn't like filenames with spaces in them. I tried, a long time
ago, to tweak it to work better with this but didn't get too far.
I'm not sure if what's in the official SVN repository represents the
current latest & greatest state of the script.
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Received on Fri Sep 14 21:30:19 2007