Bicking, David (HHoldings, IT) wrote:
> I am having a problem with what I thought was a very simple test. I am
> attempting to merge a specific file in a branch into the trunk, which
> also has that file. I changed both files such that at one place there
> should be conflicting changes, and at another there are non-conflicting
> changes. I simply modified some text which ended up similar to :
> // test
> // This is a test file change made in the Foo.BAR branch
> // test.
> The branch has the highest revision number. Whenever I merge, it acts
> as though I am overriding the trunk with the branch. The operation has
>>From = trunk, To = branch and is putting the modified file in the Trunk
> workspace. I expected all modified lines in the new file, with a
> conflict on the line that had two different texts. I attached a graphic
> in a Word 2003 file that shows the diff result on the two files. The
> one on the right is the branch, and the ultimate output.
I can't read your Word document (if you *must* create screenshots,
please post them to public webspace somewhere as .jpg or .png images),
but from the description you're tripping over the details of exactly how
a merge works.
First, a question: Can you reproduce the problem with the command-line
Second, a guess as to what you're doing wrong:
Instead of merging changes from r[n] to r[m] on the branch, to the
current trunk, you're merging the changes from r[n] of the branch to
r[m] of the trunk, into the trunk, so more or less by definition there
are no conflicts.
Put another way, the "from" and "to" revision/path specifiers are used
to create the diff, which is (usually) applied to the working copy in
the current directory. (With the command-line client, you can specify
an alternate directory path for the WC(-subpath) to operate on.)
> Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. I'm using Tortoise to do the merge,
> hopefully that isn't enough reason for you all to tell me to go to their
> users group.
Usually. <g> Tortoise hides some things, shows others in slightly
different ways, and isn't used by everyone on this list, so if it's
confusion due to how Tortoise shows or does things, you're likely to get
a faster, more accurate answer from that list.
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Received on Tue Sep 11 18:46:45 2007