It appears that the revision number is subversion is
specific to the trunk/tag/branch that code is committed
to. By convention variants in the code are supposed
to be made on the trunk or on development branches
when needed (e.g. bug fix). I had originally thought
that the SVN revision number was a changeset on
a repository wide basis (which I am is what I read
in one of the svn books that I have). But I have found
that the revision number is actually specific to the
branch/tag/trunk where the changes were committed.
so if I
export -r 2222 svn+ssh://mysvnserver/opt/svn/myproject/trunk
it is different than
export -r 2222 svn+ssh://mysvnserver/opt/svn/myproject/branch/mydevbranch
and different than
export -r 2222 svn+ssh://mysvnserver/opt/svn/myproject/tag/1.0.0
(unless of course I committed the same changes to all three locations
Is there a repository wide revision number?
Received on Sun Sep 9 05:25:26 2007