On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 21:05 +0530, Shankar Busetty wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need to control users not to delete anything in svn like branches /
> tags etc. Please let me know how do I achieve this as an
> administrator.
> Only administrators have to delete any branches / tags.
> ‘X’ person has RW access to ‘B’ branch
> ‘X’ can delete ‘B/c’ branch as ‘c’ is specific to his code change.
> Please let me know how do I restrict this. He should not be able to
> delete but able to commit.
> Thanks in Advance.
> Thanks & Regards,
> B. Shankar
> Enterprise Tools Group
> IVY Comptech Pvt. Ltd.
> Email:
> Yahoo: bunnyshan4u
> Tel: +91 40 23581000 Extn: 4195
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