On 8/28/07, Mark Eramo <mark.eramo@trustvesta.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the information however I am still having an issue so I
> must still be doing something wrong.
> To recap....
> What I have is, for example, the project *svn/project1* in Subversion
> was checked out to */home/user/project1*
> Now, a new folder was added in Subversion, *svn/project1/test
> *I have already seen that if I try to checkout *svn/project1/test *to
> */home/user/project1/test, *it sees it as 2 separate checkouts because
> in subcommander, the* test *folder shows up with a question mark so it
> does not think it is under svn control.
> I tried doing just an update but it does not clear the ? flag. I also
> tried just doing an update of the working copy at the folder level but
> it does not update the */home/user/project1 *folder to include *test.
> *Could it be that when I did a checkout on */home/user/project1 *I did
> not do a recursive checkout so now when I try to recursively add a
> folder, it does not do it. Maybe I am using the update command the wrong
> way.
> Any additional thoughts or comments would be much appreciated.
Yes, when you do not do a recursive checkout (i.e., "svn co -N"), the update
only updates the checked out files / directories. To update a certain
directory -- in this case "test" -- you have to update it explicitly -- 'svn
up test'.
-Hari Kodungallur
Received on Tue Aug 28 18:49:42 2007