I'm trying to migrate from Clearcase to Subversion (v1.4.3). I've
created a dump file using svnimporter
I get this error when I try to load the dump file into an empty
------- Committed revision 40554 >>>
<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 40555
* adding path :
...svnadmin: File already exists: filesystem '/opt/svnrepos/ssb/db',
transaction '40554-1', path
The pertinent lines of the dump file are:
18748281 Revision-number: 40555
18748282 Prop-content-length: 192
18748283 Content-length: 192
18748285 K 17
18748286 CCRevisionNumbers
18748287 V 27
18748288 \main\v5-1_release\1deleted
18748289 K 10
18748290 svn:author
18748291 V 5
18748292 saddr
18748293 K 8
18748294 svn:date
18748295 V 27
18748296 2006-05-10T09:26:58.000000Z
18748297 K 7
18748298 svn:log
18748299 V 36
18748300 Added file element "zr004.template".
18748301 PROPS-END
18748304 Node-path:
18748305 Node-kind: file
18748306 Node-action: add
18748307 Prop-content-length: 66
18748308 Text-content-length: 0
18748309 Text-content-md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
18748310 Content-length: 66
18748312 K 17
18748313 ClearcaseRevision
18748314 V 27
18748315 \main\v5-1_release\1deleted
18748316 PROPS-END
The history of this zr004a.template file looks harmless in Clearcase,
but it seems the svnimporter has somehow got a little confused. Fine
- it's done a decent job with the rest of our repository.
The zr004a.template file is not critical in itself. I just want to
get the rest of the dump file loaded. A best effort migration is good
enough for me, and if a few files require manual fixing and so lose
their change history that's ok.
Could anyone please tell me if it's possible to fudge this dump file
so that it loads correctly? Can I simply skip this revision (40555)?
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Received on Sat Aug 25 12:41:57 2007