attached mail follows:
Thank you for quick answer, here it is: to my concern, this user
already checked out the
then he should be able to perform a relocate to
-- B.S. wrote:
> It's doing exactly what you're asking it to ...
> The first entry states that aaa will get no access to anything below
> The second entry states that aaa will get access to the objects in MYREPO
> /trunk/src/something.
> The second entry has no way of over-riding the first - since you can't get
> access to /trunk or even /trunk/src.
> Dg.
> --
> David Grierson
> JPMorgan - IB Architecture - Source Code Management Consultant
> GDP 228-5574 / DDI +44 141 228 5574 / Email
> Sentinel House 2nd floor, 103 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 7BW
> Bjørnar Skinnes <>
> 13/08/2007 15:30
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Relocate does not work well with access permissions
> Having access permissions like this example:
> [MYREPO:/]
> aaa =
> [MYREPO:/trunk/src/something]
> aaa = rw
> then relocating (the repo was moved to another server) the "something"
> working copy, does return error message like this:
> PROPFIND request failed on "/svn/MYREPO"
> PROPFIND of '/svn/MYREPO': 403 Forbidden (https://myserver)
> I had to change the permission file, giving aaa read permissions, to get
> aaa up&running:
> [MYREPO:/]
> aaa = r
> Why no access for aaa in first place ? Remark: browsing in firefox
> worked fine on new server.
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Received on Mon Aug 13 18:13:50 2007