Clemens venit, vidit, dixit 10.08.2007 07:41:
> Hello Jim,
> Jim Thompson wrote:
>> Jim Thompson wrote:
>>> On linux...
> (...)
>>> Here's a first attempt to copy that file from trunk to tags (file name
>>> included in destination):
>>> [jft@coyote admin]$ svn cp
>>> file:///home/jft/my_newrepos/my/up/portlets/portlet1/trunk/hello.c
>>> file:///home/jft/my_newrepos/my/up/portlets/portlet1/tags/test/hello.c
>>> -m "copy file to test tag"
>>> svn: Path 'tags/test' not present
> hmmm ... you should view it right like a filesystem here. Look this:
> mkdir trunk
> echo hello >> trunk/hello.txt
> mkdir tags
> cp trunk/hello.txt tags/test/hello.txt
> Do you really expect this to work? A copy does not create lacking
> directories. Subversion behaves exactly similar. To get it to work you
> have to:
> svn mkdir file:///<your path here>/tags/test
> svn cp file:///<your path here>/trunk/hello.c \
> file:///<your path here>/tags/test/hello.c
Or, since you have ony 1 file in trunk:
svn cp file:///<your_path_here>/trunk file:///<your_path_here>/tags/test
This is how you create tags and branches.
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Received on Fri Aug 10 12:47:52 2007