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svnadmin obliterate features (was: RE: the obliterate discussion - why dumpfiltering is no validworkaround)

From: Karan, Cem (Civ, ARL/CISD) <CKaran_at_arl.army.mil>
Date: 2007-07-23 13:55:07 CEST

OK, what features are needed for this?

Reading through the messages, I see the following requests

1) (Obviously) Completely erase a file/directory & its history from a
2) Make this non-blocking.
3) Add in regex support to select which files/directories to wipe out.

I want to modify #1; instead of wiping out a file/directory completely,
I would like to be able to specify a revision range. Here is the case
I'm thinking of:

I have a file that has many commits. Someone accidently overwrites the
file with garbage (something with legal problems, is overly large,
whatever). Someone else notices, but doesn't bother to inform the
admin, they just try to merge an old version over the new version. This
floats along for a while with more commits, with everyone having
forgotten about the garbage. I find out from someone about what
happened. I now want to go in and clean out the garbage. Right now, I
would have to use dumpfilter to try to filter the garbage out, but it
would be nice to be able to run the command in a form like:

svnadmin obliterate -r 123:145 myFile

Other command forms would look like:

svnadmin obliterate [-r M:N] sourceURL // Wipe out a specified range
svnadmin obliterate [-r :N] sourceURL // Wipe out everything up to
version N
svnadmin obliterate [-r M:] sourceURL // Wipe out everything starting
from version M through the most current
svnadmin obliterate [-r M] sourceURL // Wipe out version M

As for #2, I'm not sure if that is possible (although it would really be
nice if it could be done). As long as the amount of time spent block is
relatively short regardless of the version range/directory size being
obliterated, it shouldn't be that big a deal.

Finally, #3 will likely just take away effort from the real work. I
know that I tend to use the find command to find the exact files I want,
and then run commands on just those files. I suspect that working on
regex support for obliterate will take away time that would be better
spent on getting it working.


Cem Karan

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Received on Mon Jul 23 13:52:29 2007

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