sporadic checkout or update errors (big repository)
From: James Coleman <jamesc_at_dspsrv.com>
Date: 2007-07-19 16:24:29 CEST
We're seeing errors like these frequently enough that they are an issue for users.
As a longer-term solution it would be nice if clients could report a better error
For sporadic errors like this:
svn: Can't move '<branchname>/<....>/.svn/tmp/entries' to
or this:
Error: PROPFIND request failed on '/repository/!svn/bc/25129/<project>/<....>/trunk'
or this:
Error: REPORT request failed on '/repository/!svn/vcc/default'
Solution: Just resume the svn action.
When doing checkout or update or switch (or ...) if you get a failure like these then
SVN clients could implement a retry for errors like this?
Explaination (Is the following the answer to this?):
1. local file-system glitch
"Can't move" is a problem with a local file-system glitch. Usually caused by Windows locking
This seems to be more of an issue for network mounted directories (grepping svn users list).
2. server communication glitch (http/https WebDAV)
There can be glitches during checkout/update (usually large checkouts) which
PROPFIND can also indicate basic communications failure (such as firewall blocking commands,
In all cases if the error is sporadic and not repeatable every time then the checkout or
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