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答复: Impact on clients of upgrading server 1.2->1.4

From: Alan <alanxzj_at_163.com>
Date: 2007-07-04 14:58:54 CEST

Subversion 1.4 Release Notes

Working Copy and Repository Format Changes

Due to certain improvements and bugfixes made to the working copy library,
the version number of the working copy format has been incremented. This
means that Subversion clients earlier than 1.4 will not be able to work with
working copies produced by Subversion 1.4. Similarly, the repository format
has changed as well, meaning that pre-1.4 Subversion tools that normally
access a repository directly (e.g. svnserve, mod_dav_svn, svnadmin) won't be
able to read a repository originally created by Subversion 1.4.

 As your second question, I think dump/restore fits your requirement well.
And you can try svnsync when your repos migrate to 1.4.


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Douglas Pearson
发送时间: 2007年7月4日 0:55
收件人: users@subversion.tigris.org
主题: Impact on clients of upgrading server 1.2->1.4

We have a repository running SVN 1.2.3 and it seems like it's time to move
up to 1.4 (the current repo is giving some errors which may have been

My question is will we need all users to upgrade to a 1.4 client if we do

Also is there anything special we need to do on the server end? The FAQ
seems to suggest a dump/restore is the safest way to upgrade.


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Received on Wed Jul 4 14:59:03 2007

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