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Re: Export entire changed files for zip patch

From: Scott Pederick <scott_at_solidstrategies.com.au>
Date: 2007-06-29 01:17:45 CEST

Hi Joe,

Good idea - would have saved me having to put a lots of windows batch
file knowledge into my brain. :)


Joe Franklin wrote:
> Scott,
> FWIW, I did something along the same lines (on Windows, too, using the
> Cygwin utils), except I used the generated files.txt as input into tar
> and then un-tarred the file and it created the needed directory
> structure. That saved me the step of parsing out the directories and
> creating each.
> jf
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Pederick [mailto:scott@solidstrategies.com.au]
>> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 5:38 AM
>> To: Ryan Schmidt
>> Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
>> Subject: Re: Export entire changed files for zip patch
>>>> I'm working on a number of php projects that I want to generate a
> zip
>>>> that contains the files changed from one version to another. This
>>>> makes it easy to apply, especially when you only have ftp access.
>>>> So far I've been able to generate a list of the files that have
>> changed:
>>>> svn diff -r PREV:HEAD --summarize | sed -e "s/^[AM].*//pi" | sort |
>>>> uniq > files.txt
>>>> I then loop through the list to export the files from svn to a
>>>> temporary location so I can zip it up. I can export the files into
>>>> one directory but I'm having trouble re-creating the directory
>>>> structure to start with.
>>> Oh? How so? "basename" and "mkdir -p" should be your friend...
>> Ah ha ha. Of course! I'm spending most of my time in Windows using
>> compiled unix tools - all my command-line intelligence has atrophied
> in
>> the face of batch files. :)
>>> Your sed is surely wrong, though; it looks like you're asking it to
>>> match lines that begin with "A" or "M", delete the entire contents
>>> line, and print the blank line, which is surely not what you want...
>>> I'd say you probably want something more like:
>>> sed -n -E -e "s/^[AM].{6}//p"
>>> -n: don't print by default
>>> -E: use modern regex syntax
>>> -e: use the following regex
>>> (At least, those flags are accurate for my BSD sed. With GNU sed it
>>> may be different.)
>>> Then search for lines starting with "A" or "M", followed by any 6
>>> characters, delete those 7 characters, and print the rest of the
> line.
>> Much better - thanks again.
>>>> Before I continue to bang my head against this one, does anyone
> know
>>>> of any pre-existing scripts of the like that solve this problem? I
>>>> know I'm not alone in this but I can't find any solutions that help
>>>> with this bit. At this point I'm assuming that I'm looking for the
>>>> wrong thing or in the wrong direction.
>>> Not aware of any existing script, but people do ask for this
>>> functionality on this list with surprising regularity, so probably
>>> someone has already written a script.
>>> How were you planning on handling deletions, by the way?
>> Aside from a changleog, there's no particularly good way to handle
>> deletions using this method. The gain in simplicity of distribution
>> unfortunately loses functionality. The ultimate solution would be to
> use
>> svn itself as a distribution method but that's not an option.
>> Thanks again for your help - it was driving me crazy.
>> If anyone else wants a windows batch file to do this, the following
>> worked for me (with great help from sed, sort and uniq):
>> REM Location of sed, sort and uniq
>> SET TOOLS=d:\utils\unix\usr\local\wbin
>> REM SVN root
>> SET SVN=svn://localhost/myproject/trunk/public
>> REM Patch path
>> SET PATCH=.\temp
>> REM Working copy root
>> SET WC=d:\projects\web\myproject\public
>> REM Convert backslashes to double backslahes for quoted sed expression
>> SET WCQ=%WC:\=\\%
>> echo Creating changed files list
>> REM Remove lines without an filename extension (assumed to be
> directories)
>> REM Extract the root path from the filename
>> svn diff -r PREV:HEAD --summarize %WC% | %TOOLS%\sed -e "/[.]/!d" |
>> %TOOLS%\sed -e "s/^[AM].* %WCQ%//pi" | %TOOLS%\sort | %TOOLS%\uniq >
>> files.txt
>> echo Creating directory listing
>> %TOOLS%\sed -e "s,[^\\]*$,,;s,\\$,,;s,^$,.," files.txt | %TOOLS%\sort
> |
>> %TOOLS%\uniq > directories.txt
>> echo Clearing patch directory
>> rmdir /q /s %PATCH%
>> echo Creating patch directories
>> REM Enable auto-creation of parent directories
>> FOR /F %%B in (directories.txt) do (
>> mkdir %PATCH%\%%B
>> )
>> echo Exporting changed files
>> FOR /F %%A in (files.txt) do (
>> REM Changes the backslashes to forward slashes for the svn:// url
>> SET FILE=%%A%
>> SET URL=!FILE:\=/!
>> REM Export the file from the repository to the patch directory
>> svn export %SVN%/%URL% %PATCH%\%%A
>> )
>> echo Cleaning up...
>> del files.txt
>> del directories.txt
>> :end
>> echo Done.
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Received on Fri Jun 29 01:18:47 2007

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