Wesley Hobbie wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to run this as a service on Linux (xinet service), not as a
> Windows service on Windows.
> Wesley Hobbie wrote:
>> I am unable to start svnserve as a service. If I invoke (as root)
>> 'svnserve -d -r /path/to/repository' it works fine, but when I invoke
>> 'service svnserve start' it reports [Failed]. Can anyone please help me?
I don't know of any Linux distro packages for Subversion that provide
the init script (eg, /etc/init.d/svnserve) that "service <x>
(start|stop|...)" requires. Nor does a source install, IIRC.
That said, do you want svnserve running constantly ("service" or
daemonized), or do you want it called from (x)inetd on an as-needed
basis? If you want it called from inetd or some similar replacement,
you'll have to configure that with the appropriate call; for xinetd
something like this should work:
Save the following to /etc/xinetd.d/svn:
service svn
socket_type = stream
wait = no
port = 3690
user = svnuser
server = /usr/bin/svnserve
server_args = -i -r /path/to/repositories
log_on_failure += USERID
You could remove the type and port lines, and add this line to
svn 3690/tcp # Subversion
Restart xinetd, and then when a connection comes in to the system,
xinetd starts up svnserve with the right user and arguments. Note that
I switched -d for -i so that svnserve knows it's being called from an
inetd of some flavour instead of trying to bind to port 3690 and
sticking around to handle incoming requests directly.
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Received on Mon Jun 18 20:03:48 2007