Ysgrifennodd eg:
> I've been running SvnServe 1.4.3 as a service on a Windows 2003 box
> and I have been wanting to switch the account it runs under to be
> "LocalService"...
> I plan to do this when I upgrade to 1.4.4.
> I have a question about required account permissions.
> I found some information in the following
> http://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-serversetup.html
> This document states the following:
> "Note that you would have to give the Local Service account
> appropriate rights to both Subversion and your repositories, as well
> as any applications which are used by hook scripts."
> Does anyone have a quick summary of aforementioned "appropriate"
> rights required for setup of the Local service account?
> Does it require "Full Control" in the subversion repository
> directories? ... or something a bit less?
> Does it require "Read", "Read & Execute" and "List Folder contents" in
> the Subversion program directories?... or something a bit less (or
> more).
I can't give you a full answer, but I can say that I fell foul of this
one when I was trying to set Subversion up as a service under Windows.
Basically it needs to be able to execute svn and to read from and write
to the repository.
There may be other things, but they were the ones I found. Once I'd
done that it worked OK.
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