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Could not read response body: connection was closed by server

From: Giulio Troccoli <Giulio.Troccoli_at_uk.linedata.com>
Date: 2007-06-11 11:37:46 CEST

Hi everybody,


I'm not sure this is a bug or something wrong with my box or something
else. I'd just like to know what you guys think about it.


Recently I have renamed the directory that contains all the source code.
We have one of this directory per each version we support, i.e 7 of
them. Everything went fine.


Now, I had to update the working copies where our product is built.
Because the rename is actually an add and a delete, svn update produces
exactly that: a delete of the old directory first and then the addition
of all the files.


I have notice that every time I do svn up the process stops exactly
after the same file with the following error


svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn-dip/!svn/vcc/default'

svn: REPORT of '/svn-dip/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response
body: connection was closed by server. (http://ln1sub01)


when I do svn up again everything goes fine, and when I build the source
code I don't have any errors, so the code has been checked out


I find it interesting because the error occurs always and exactly at the
same point. Do you have an idea of why this may happen? Could it be some
setting on my client box?


pvwdev-s 1.32> uname -a

SunOS pvwdev-s 5.6 Generic_105181-35 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4

pvwdev-s 1.32> svn --version

svn, version 1.4.3 (r23084)

   compiled May 23 2007, 09:41:59


Thanks in advance




Giulio Troccoli

Technical Consultant


T +44 (0)20 7360 1914 F +44 (0)20 7360 1974

E giulio.troccoli@uk.linedata.com
<mailto:giulio.troccoli@uk.linedata.com> W www.linedata.com

MSN Messenger giulio@troccoli.it
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Received on Mon Jun 11 11:38:10 2007

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