On Jun 5, 2007, at 00:04, Josh Blair wrote:
> I tried making EditPadPro.exe my SVN_EDITOR using the following
> command line set command on WinXP SP2:
> set /P SVN_EDITOR=
> C:\Progra~1\JGsoft\EditPadPro6\EditPadPro.exe
> but when I try to do a 'svn commit', the EditPadPro.exe editor
> pops up as expected and I save my comments, close the svn-
> commit.tmp file after adding my comments like this:
> ===================
> - added unnecessary comment to test the SVN_EDITOR environment
> variable being set to EditPadPro.exe
> - removed the .user file from source control
> --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
> M Program.cs
> D HFXMLImporter.csproj.user
> ===================
> ...and the svn commit displays the following message:
> ==================
> C:\Projects\HFXMLImporter\HFXMLImporter>svn commit
> Log message unchanged or not specified
> a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
> If I set the SVN_EDITOR environment variable back to notepad.exe,
> everything works properly.
> Any ideas? Would it be the default encoding of EditPadPro or
> something like that?
You'll have to ask the authors of EditPad Pro, but I suspect that the
parameters it accepts on the command line are not the same (or at
least not in the same order) that Subversion sends them, or maybe you
need to send some additional EditPad Pro-specific arguments.
For comparison: to use TextWrangler as my editor on my Mac, I set
EDITOR=editor.sh and I wrote editor.sh as follows:
edit +1 --wait --resume "$@"
The first line identifies this as a Bourne shell script. In the
second line, "edit" opens TextWrangler, "+1" tells it to select the
first line of the opened file, "--wait" tells the terminal to wait
until TextWrangler saves and closes the file before proceeding, "--
resume" tells TextWrangler to switch back to the terminal when the
file is saved and closed, and "$@" passes along to TextWrangler all
the arguments passed to editor.sh, which would be the filename. Maybe
you need to make a similar wrapper script (but tailored to EditPad
Pro's needs, whatever those might be).
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Received on Tue Jun 5 07:40:03 2007