Weekend warriors take home work, where there
might not be subversion access.
The second person who copies his stuff
gets a subversion error about out of date
source code, and has to overwrite, rather
than merge their changes into subversion.
Les Mikesell wrote:
> Mike Brenner wrote:
>> Why do you think preventing them from
>> deleting files would allow them to check
>> in the non-SVN generated versions?
>> How can a weekend-warrior update
>> a file on Monday back into the subversion
>> environment without svn remove?
> What's a weekend-warrior? If it involves making changes without the wc,
> you would just copy the modifed version back to the correct place in a
> the wc and commit it like any other edit.
>> If you think you have the answer to
>> that riddle, then please go ahead
>> and answer the second riddle.
>> What if 2 weekend warriors make changes,
>> and on Monday we would like both sets
>> of changes merged into the subversion
>> environment?
>> Again, I know of no solution that does not
>> start with "svn remove", but I would love to!
> Why is copying a file out to edit and replacing it in its original
> location in the WC any different from any other edit? And why don't
> you take a complete copy of the wc directory for offline work even if
> you don't have access to the server all the time?
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Received on Wed May 30 20:46:12 2007