On 5/25/07, Ralf Schlatterbeck <rsc@runtux.com> wrote:
> Is there something that emulates the CVS pserver protocol on top of
> subversion? I've googled for it but found nothing so far.
> I'm involved in a project where the goal is a CVS to SVN migration for a
> client. The current goal is a complete migration, not a cut-off where
> some parts later live in an old CVS repo and the rest is converted to
> SVN. We believe that having multiple sources of version-controlled
> information is a path to madness :-)
> We have identified the following obstacles:
> - There are old build-scripts that rely on CVS. These live on old
> branches in CVS. But it *could* occur that bug-fixes are necessary on
> such an old branch. Rather than modifying the build-environment,
> emulating cvs would be an easier solution.
> - There are third-party tools in use that currently only support cvs.
> So we are thinking about writing such an emulation if nothing exists.
> Shouldn't be too complex if we're using subversions python interface?
It's not hard, but it's a lot of work. Do you intend to support
checkin too? That could be harder than you're estimating now.
Yes, others have thought about it (I), but since I have no need for it
myself, I have never persued the project any further.
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Received on Fri May 25 17:08:01 2007