Hi All,
I've been working in a little C# app that would basically be a
partially functional svn client (i.e. checkout, add, commit... the
basics). I'm using Process to basically do a command line operation
and I was wondering if anyone out there already has a parser for the
subversion command line. If not, the other issue I'm running up
against is error handling/formatting the message from subversion.
i.e. say I add a new file name Textfile.txt, the output is:
A c:\MyClientFolder\Textfile.txt
so far, I've just been testing on the commmand line an figuring out
that A means add and seeing how outputs are formatted and what the
various symbols and letters mean. Is there a guide to all the error
and non-error codes that the subversion CLI could generate? That way
I wouldn't have to type in every svn command with failure senarios,
etc. and I could just stick the outputs that subversion is supposed to
give in my parser. I would appreciate any info on this.
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Received on Thu May 24 21:24:33 2007