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mailer.conf configuration

From: Binod <binod3_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-05-24 05:39:20 CEST


I am trying to use mailer.conf for mailer.py to send emails to users on
every commit.
My current repository looks like as follows:

I tried to use map section, default section and also the substitution
section various times to make sure that when a user commit on /test project
other users in test1 project do not receive any email but only the users
related to test project receive the emails.

How did I configured it ?
for_path = test/
for_addr = oops@example.com
to_addr = notworking@example.com

for_path = test1
from_addr = what@emaple.com
to_addr = no@example.com

But currently, it sends email to all the people on every commits. I have no
knowledge about python at all, so trying to configure mailer.conf by reading
the script itself is being bit painful and I could not find any other
example beside the mailer.conf itself as well. I googled for all possible
ways and searched the subversion users group messages since 2003 but
couldnot get the answer.

I tried to understand the mailer.conf script repository structure where
clients is the top level project with


and for the clients there is

 for_paths = clients/(?P<client>[^/]*)($|/)
 to_addr = commits@%(client)s.tigris.org

But in the script and could not understand what to fill in at commits place
and <client> and (client) palce.

Hope to get the answer.

Received on Thu May 24 05:39:37 2007

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