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Nested Subversion Checkout

From: Brent Kiley <bkiley_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-05-14 23:51:52 CEST


I am hoping that maybe someone has a little bit of experience with the same
sort of situation that I am in and could possibly provide some insight and

Our company does website development and we have a number of different
sites. I have setup a repository for each site (with the help from people
from this list). Now what my eventual goal is, is for the server to
automatically update a working copy of the website so that it can be viewed
by the development team on a web server to see if that changes have worked
or not. I know that I will have to use a post commit script, so I am ok with
that. The problem is that we have many different sites and some parts of the
site run common "software" such as a members area that is standard for each
site except for layout changes and so on. So what I need to do is checkout
the sites code, that is no problem. But then the structure of that site
would have a web directory and in that directory there would be another
called members. Now into that directory I would need to checkout another
repository, that contains our members software. Now I have just been testing
on my local machine using TortoiseSVN and it seems I can not checkout
another project into that directory.

There is also something else that compounds my problem. Like I said the
members area are the same software except for some layout things and so on,
but this causes the members folder to not be empty, it does get some files
from the sites repository, specifically those for the layout and what not.
Will subversion allow me to checkout a folder into that one if it is not
empty, without affecting the files that are already inside it? When I try to
check it out on my machine I get an error, well first a prompt saying that
the directory is not empty, and then an error saying it is a working copy
for another URL.

Will I have to check them outside the site area and then copy them manually?
And is there a way to get rid of the .svn folders in a working copy so that
they do not end up on a site?

If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it,

Received on Mon May 14 23:52:16 2007

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