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Re: error while loading shared libraries: libgssapi_krb5.so.2

From: Ulrich Eckhardt <eckhardt_at_satorlaser.com>
Date: 2007-05-14 10:46:25 CEST

On Monday 14 May 2007 07:59, Offer Kaye wrote:
> On 5/14/07, david x callaway wrote:
> > that library is part of the krb5-libs package. if svn is not running
> > correctly on the machine it is something the administrator needs to fix.
> Thanks for taking the time to answer David.
> Maybe I wasn't clear enough. When I said "Please remember that I'm
> just a user, I don't have an easy way to supply all the required
> dependencies", I meant, among other things, that I can't simply go up
> to an admin and ask for help. I'm on my own here.

Too bad. Here, both admins and developers work for the same company and
generally pull in the same direction. I won't discuss that topic any further
though, since problems with bioware don't belong on this list.

> > the only way for the machine to get into the state you describe is for
> > someone to either a) install subversion without satisfying its
> > dependencies, or b) copy an already built binary without copying its
> > dependencies. svn and its dependencies could have been installed by
> > yum install subversion
> > (after installing yum).
> >
> > if you "installed" svn by copying a 32bit binary onto a 64bit machine it
> > is likely that b) is the problem.
> I didn't "copy" svn, I specifically said I compiled it (I'll add now,
> from source, if that wasn't clear) on a 32bit machine, then tried to
> run it *through the network* on a 64bit machine.

What is "through the network"? Did you mount the installdir via NFS, did you
run it inside a SSH initiated from the 64 bit machine? Are you accessing an
svnserve or Apache process via the net? Did you copy the binaries to the 64
bit machine and try to run it there? Well, the latter would be the same as
mounting via NFS. Anyway, seems whatever method you chose (I guess 1 or 4)
didn't take care of libraries that it needs, so you need to copy those, too.

Now, you can always install Subversions and its dependencies locally for your
user. All you need is to give '--prefix=$(HOME)/install' to the configure
script and then tweak a few paths for the compiler, runtime linker and shell.
Repeat the same for required libraries (configure will tell you).


Sator Laser GmbH
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Received on Mon May 14 10:45:38 2007

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