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Re: svn copy driving me nuts - how to overwrite URLs in a vendor tree?

From: hans henderson <hans.svn_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-04-30 07:38:11 CEST

On 4/30/07, Matthew Hannigan <mlh@zip.com.au> wrote:
> I think my svnset script would help you.
> Archived, for instance, here:
> http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2007-03/0113.shtml
> Matt

Thanks Matt, and hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but:

I'm a total noob relative to you all, not only regarding svn, but I
don't even know what language your script is in. Is it like a batch

I'm on Windows.

I don't know enough about what the .svn files are doing to understand
the intention of what this is trying to accomplish.

So I guess the answer to my fundamental question is "yes, subversion
doesn't (easily) allow you overwrite one versioned tree with another,
creating a new branch with changes tracked". Again, my specific
example of what I was after:

svn copy
<URL path to>/new-add-on-fileset/xampp (5000 files in 870 directories)
on top of
<URL path to>/existing-core-fileset/xampp (14000 files in 4000 folders)
adding the new files/folders and overwriting the existing files (maybe 20% of
the source fileset)

And here's my workaround, suggestions for a more elegant solution
would be most welcome:

checkout <URL path to>/existing-core-fileset/xampp (ie "current")

svn merge <URL path to>/existing-core-fileset/xampp \
        <URL path to>/new-add-on-fileset/xampp xampp

this Adds and Replaces everything that IS the add-on, and Deletes
everything that isn't

svn status >> ..\svnstatus01.txt

Sort this file on the status flags, delete out the Rs and As so they
stay as they are
Replace the D (spaces) before each file listed with "svn revert " and
save it as a batch file just above the xampp root.
Run it - go make a pot of tea.
Come back. Finish the tea. Find something else to do for a while, like
write this post.

I plan to first checking the filesize of my repo, then do a commit and
check again to confirm I've avoided adding a duplicate 300MB.

As I said, it's a kludge, so any other suggestions are welcome.

PS is it really the case that *nix cp doesn't allow you to overwrite
one directory tree with another? What kind of workarounds do y'all do

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Received on Mon Apr 30 07:38:29 2007

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