Méresse Christophe wrote:
>> Imagine a software that has 100 source files and a repository
>> that has one directory for the main trunk and an indefinite
>> number of directory for all the branches, one for each
>> ongoing development thread.
> [snip]
>> I wonder if there is a way to know, for a certain file, how
>> many branches have done commits on it (well, to be exact,
>> commits on its brothers that have been forked while branching).
> I like when people are lighting this problem because that's the one I'm always complaining about :)
> No, there aren't any efficient solution and this big issue (from my point of view) does not seem to concern many users...
> <mode_troll_on reason='tentative to have a real debate on this question and why not some ideas to solve it... :)'>
> Changing this would certainly have a huge impact on the subversion core, that's probably the reason why the question always generates a big silence :P
> <mode_troll_off>
The point of branching is to isolate changes. Why do it if you want to
treat the copies as though they weren't isolated from each other?
Les Mikesell
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Received on Tue Apr 17 17:27:46 2007