On 4/13/07, Jeremy Whitlock <jcscoobyrs@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have spent over 12 hours today trying to build a static Subversion
> binary, and static binary dependencies of Subversion, on RHEL. After
> fighting with apr-util and OpenLDAP, I finally decided to stop building
> OpenLDAP statically and got Apache compiled and running. The problem is
> when I build Subversion statically on RHEL, I get the following error:
Hi Jeremy,
If you're trying to build Subversion statically, a good place to start
is with D.J. Hagberg's static build. If you look inside the
svn-linux-build.zip file you'll see that D.J. has scripts which
carefully configure all of the dependencies.
I recommend starting with his script and adding any additional
dependencies to that.
If you got a bad ELF interpreter error, it likely means that one of
the files in your build got corrupted somehow, or that you built some
of the binaries on a different processor architecture. That's my
experience anyway. To avoid this error, it would be a good idea to
start fresh with a clean build.
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Received on Sat Apr 14 17:45:53 2007