We have a new subversion repository converted from CVS
using cvs2svn. We are unable to get authentication
working properly using svnserve in daemon mode. The
server is started with the command line:
svnserve -d -r /misc/svn/repo
I have tried running this as root and as myself. The
repository directories and files belong to me. The
svnserve.conf file looks like:
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
realm = PreMedia Tech
(with comments removed)
he passwd file looks like:
ricam0dg = pass4mark
We get the following error:
dgcor-mac-6788:~/Documents/src mark$ svn co
Authentication realm: <svn://>
PreMedia Tech
Password for 'mark':
Authentication realm: <svn://>
PreMedia Tech
Username: ricam0dg
Password for 'ricam0dg':
Authentication realm: <svn://>
PreMedia Tech
Username: ricam0dg
Password for 'ricam0dg':
svn: Authentication error from server: Internal server
error in authentication
We get the same behavior using the svn commandline
client and subclipse on both Windows and and OS X.
If we change anon-access to read we are able to check
out from the repository.
We are running subversion 1.4.3 on the server, 1.3.1
on OS X, and subclipse 1.2.0.
Can anyone shed any light on why this is not working?
Or at least point me to where I can look for more
information about what is going on?
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Received on Wed Apr 11 20:15:38 2007