True, I found out that I couldn't run wildcards. Bummer. Thanks for your
sugesstion. I did end up writing a huge batch file before I saw your email!
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Dave Grundgeiger" <>
To: "Res Pons" <>
CC: <>
Subject: Re: Tags Clean Up
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 16:20:02 -0600
Res Pons wrote:
>I could run svn mv command but the problem is I'm not sure the svn-cli
>would allow me to use wild cards. How do I achieve this in one command, do
>you know? My tags folder includes many tag subfolders in the following
>format: Buildnnn, where nnn is the next sequential number in the series.
I don't think that wildcards are an option, but I'm not an expert on svn
commands. One thing you could do is automatically build a batch file
containing a whole bunch of svn mv commands. Something like this:
1. Use svn ls to list the directories in your tags branch, but redirect the
output to a file.
2. If necessary, use grep to grab only the lines you want, redirecting the
output to another file.
3. Use search & replace in a text editor or word processor to massage the
lines into svn mv commands.
4. Execute the resulting file.
Dave Grundgeiger
CodeNouveau, LLC
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Received on Tue Feb 27 00:26:15 2007