Concerning Re: svn does not detect file recodings as changes
Ryan Schmidt wrote on 22 Feb 2007, 15:02, at least in part:
> Jan: Duncan meant you should provide a set of commands that anyone
> could execute on their own machines to observe the problem. That
> means you should start with the creation of an empty repository, and
> go from there until you get the error. Like this script, which
> demonstrates the problem:
> # Create a new repo and check out a working copy
> $ svnadmin create repo
> $ svn co file://`pwd`/repo wc
> Checked out revision 0.
> $ cd wc
Thanks, Ryan, for this verbose example. As far as I can see you
fully translated my report, only that I should test it here of course.
Am I right in understanding that on *nix one would save this into a
file and run? I don't think it would work out at all on Windows, that
there usually isn't any "touch" or "ls" "cat" on Windows or "dir" on
*nix aside. Sorry, I may sound dense, but this is absolutely new
business to me.
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Received on Sat Feb 24 12:19:46 2007