> From: Jeff Smith [mailto:jsmith@robotronics.com]
> On Friday 16 February 2007 10:01, Jan Hendrik wrote:
> > They have, each on their own PC, one of the PCs also acting as SVN
> > server for the repository.
> >
> > It's the production webserver that is completely out of
> reach for SVN
> > and that we have to get stuff synched onto via FTP.
> Really, this is the part which did not make sense. You mean
> each person does have svn client on their PC (that is what I
> thought you were saying is not possible)? If each person's PC
> does have svn client, no need for the problem you say you are
> having. Update whatever website from subversion repository.
> The path of FTP sync should only be between an export (from
> that repos) and the web server, so not interfering with
> checkins. Sorry, I probably sill have touble visualizing your
> whole environment.
So one of your LAN PC's has the repository on it. And each user has a WC on
his or her PC.
Your web server doesn't have any Subversion at all, and you can't put any
SVN stuff on it (I'm guessing that it's run by your ISP or someone who won't
allow you to install any software). But you _can_ FTP files over.
You want a way to get the updates -- and only updates -- to the web server
and you have a "smart" FTP client that uses timestamps to figure out how to
avoid sending files it already has sent over. Is that right?
If so, then a simple svn export won't help, because all the exported files
are "new" and the FTP client ends up sending everything. And FTP'ing from a
WC is also unhappy because of the file overhead if the FTP client is going
to check all the .svn directories in the WC. This is at least what I gather
from watching this thread for a while.
Might it help if you FTP from a WC but set up the FTP client to ignore any
.svn folders it finds? Is that possible? Then you can have users check in
from their "make changes" WC and set up a special WC in which you only do
updates. The special one is the one that the FTP client works from, and no
others. If the FTP client can ignore the WC .svn folders, perhaps this will
help? Having a working copy on the web server would make it much simpler,
but if you can't do that, maybe this can give you an idea for getting it
> == Simple Creative Example ==
> I `svn checkout $BRA/cgi/splat.py` (not the whole 15,000 files)
[an aside, question to Jeff] If this is a single file, at least in my setup,
I can't do this. I'm guessing that you meant to have some directory checked
out here. If not, how do you get individual files out of the repository?
That would be seriously helpful to know.
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Received on Fri Feb 16 22:41:09 2007