Concerning Re: Poor performance in windows. Sw
Les Mikesell wrote on 15 Feb 2007, 20:59, at least in part:
> Jan Hendrik wrote:
> > The point, however, is that *all* FTP synching has to done from the
> > *same* WC - all the other WCs have timestamps different from those
> > on the webserver (checkout/commit time).
> I'd be even more extreme about this and use that WC only for staging.
> That is, never edit or commit from there. Instead, edit/commit from
> other working copies then update this WC, do any final testing you
> might do, and push to production. That not only avoids timestamp
> issues, but it eliminates the possibility of putting something in
> production that you had changed locally and not committed - which can
> lead to not being able to back out the next change, should the need
> arise.
Yep, that would be kind of optimum. Incidentally some days ago I
had some thoughts in this direction, too: a WC exclusively
updated and rsynced with webserver through post-commit hook,
but there are issues with this as on this LAN no machine is
guaranteed to be on at any time, not even the one running the SVN
repository, move/rename in SVN could lead to non-working states
on webserver because taking two commits, files generated on the
server only might get deleted, generally too little control (not being
aware then of the cygwin layer needed for rsync I am quite
contempt about though I will do some further reading on it again if
time allows).
Generally the way we do it currently comes as close as possible.
We had a Linkstation as NAS fileserver, but updating a WC on it
was arduous as the SVN client not runs on the Linkstation itself
naturally. With 95% of stuff being content editing/adding with
code&link checks already done before commit using a regular WC
for webserver is not too dangerous. Basically timestamp issues
arise if things get into a hurry, a machine becomes unavailable, etc.
Freedom quote:
In the end commerce and trade are the sources of your wealth
and these sources are constituted so
that who scoops from them cannot enrich himself
without making many other rich as well.
-- Montesquieu
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Received on Fri Feb 16 12:12:40 2007