Frodak Baksik wrote:
> I've just tried this out. The branch doesn't exist in r1, but only in
svn ls file:///svn/branch -r1 works for me. It shows the contents of
trunk as of r1, since that was the state of branch in r1, before it was
copied. You may also try diff instead of ls. The diff fails with r2
and r3, but works with r1.
> r4. From the svn log --help output: "Logs follow copy history by
> default." This can be changed by using the --stop-on-copy option.
> Verify this using the ls -R command at different revisions. It'll
> only show branch in r4.
Not sure why you mention --stop-on-copy, but again, an svn ls -r1
file:///svn/branch DOES work for me. It only fails with -r2 or -r3.
You seem to be performing an ls on the root directory, which of course,
shows no branch in -r1 because it wasn't there in r1, but an ls on the
branch itself with -r1 works because the branch did exist in r1, just at
a different path.
If the branch exists in r4, and did exist in r1 ( under a different path
) then how can it not exist in r2 or r3? That is the problem. You
should be able to retrieve the state of a file at any revision between
the time it was created ( even if it has since been copied or renamed )
and HEAD, but in this case, you can not.
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Received on Wed Feb 14 19:38:52 2007