I'm having problems getting a pre-commit hook script running. Inspired
by this bash script: http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2005-12/0596.shtml
I want to see if a lock has been set on a file(s) before allowing a
commit. The batch file runs (as far as I can tell), but it doesn't
appear that Tortoise svn ever gets the error message from the batch
file, as the commit goes through each time without a lock.
In the hooks directory are the two files below, first one is a batch
script and second is a perl file.
@echo off
set repo=%1
set trx=%2
D:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w "%repo%\hooks\pre-commit-lock-check.pl"
"%repo%" "%trx%"
set err=%errorlevel%
exit %err%
Files\\Subversion\\bin:C\:\\Program Files\\GnuWin32\\bin";
sub isFileLocked
chomp(@lines = `svnlook changed -t $TXN $REPOS`);
foreach (@lines) {
print $_;
# get the list of files that were changed
chomp($_ = `echo $_ | cut -c 5-`);
# look to see if any of those are locked, and if so count bytes
$LOCKSET=`svnlook lock $REPOS $_ | grep "UUID Token" | wc -c`;
if ($LOCKSET == 0 ) {
return 1;
} # end if loop
} # end foreach loop
return 0;
} # end subroutine
$lock = &isFileLocked;
if ($lock==1) {
print(`"Failed commit because file '$REPLY' wasn't locked before
commit!" 1>&2`);
exit 1;
# All checks passed, so allow the commit.
exit 0;
I never get an error code back to Tortoise or via the command line,
whichever way I run the commit. Been pulling hair out over this, so any
advice appreciated.
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Received on Sat Feb 10 00:03:35 2007