Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2007a@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> [...]
> However, so few people have reported this problem that I think it's
> unlikely to get any developer attention, since there are much more
> important things to do than fix working copies that were (probably?)
> messed with by another process, and since fixing the problem manually
> is simple (create the tmp directories yourself, or check out a new
> working copy). [...]
I do have an SVN repository which I use from three
different machines. At one of them, a Windows box, I
have very limited rights and my profile is always
copied from/to some server whenever I login/logout.
I'm on that machine only once a week for a few hours.
Almost every time I log in, my WC is unusable (update
fails advising me to cleanup, but then cleanup fails,
too, with some error message which to investigate I
hever took the time for) and I have to trash it and
checkout anew.
> To test the theory that some other process is messing with your tmp
> directories, you could create a directory called tmp somewhere
> outside your working copy. Then use your computer as usual. At some
> point later when you again encounter the problem in Subversion, see
> if the tmp directory you manually created is still there or not. If
> it's gone too, then I'm pretty sure some other process on your system
> is removing it, and then you should try to figure out what software
> you've installed is doing that.
I'll have a look this week whether this has something
to do with the tmp folder(s). (Unless, of course,
Murphy has his day off and it works this time...)
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Received on Mon Feb 5 12:17:30 2007