conflicts where there shouldn't be?
From: Swenson, Eric <>
Date: 2006-12-14 21:45:58 CET
We've recently encountered an alarming problem with subversion and
We decided we needed a branch during a period where two developers, in
svn copy <working-copy> <url-to-new-branch>
The documentation suggests that if there are outstanding changes in
1. It will make the new branch correspond to the repository
2. Check in the outstanding modifications on the branch.
It suggests that this is a shortcut for:
svn copy <url-of-trunk> <url-to-new-branch>
svn switch <url-to-new-branch>
svn commit
Once this was done, development continued for the group on the
We did an:
svn co <url-of-trunk>
svn merge -r NNN:HEAD <url-of-new-branch>
The result of the above were TONS of conflicts. When we checked many of
This was actually the first problem we had of this nature. The second
We had a trunk and a developer with outstanding changes to that trunk
So we did a:
svn copy <url-of-trunk> <url-of-trunk.old>
svn rm <url-of-trunk>
svn mkdir <url-of-trunk>
(Our administrator accidentally used "svn copy" rather than "svn move"
Then, a new tree was checked into to <url-of-vendor-xxx> and then the
svn copy <url-of-vendor-xxx> <url-of-trunk>
So, theoretically, we had a new "trunk" to start with. And we had saved
We realized that we really wanted the outstanding changes on one
So, he did:
svn switch <url-of-trunk.old> (because his repository
We expected that operation to result in no conflicts because the
Yet, we received hundreds of merge conflicts. When we inspected the
So, both of the above situations resulted in conflicts that shouldn't
Can someone explain what happened and why?
We are using subversion clients on cygwin/windows of version:
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.3.2 (r19776)
compiled Jul 14 2006, 22:16:08
Our repository is accessed using svn+ssh and lives on a SuSE linux box.
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.2.3 (r15833)
compiled Sep 13 2005, 02:25:01
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Our confidence in subversion has
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