> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:news@sea.gmane.org]On Behalf Of Pieter
> Sent: vendredi, 1. décembre 2006 09:52
> To: users@subversion.tigris.org
> Subject: Re: using Subversion over the internet (with
> Windows?): Howto?
> One more question: Is there a difference in performance
> between Apache+Https
> or copSSH? Because we still do have small bandwith, every Kbs
> counts... :-/
On a simple subversion command, there is no significative difference.
But when many commands have to be done consecutively (that's often the case with GUIs) the SSH tunnel is created for each command and this can dramatically decrease the performances.
My personal advice is to use https (moreover it opens some interresting web possibilities and it's easier to configure for the users)
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Received on Fri Dec 1 10:35:35 2006