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Re: Cloaking

From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2006d_at_ryandesign.com>
Date: 2006-11-24 20:43:25 CET

On Nov 24, 2006, at 11:51, Ronan Lucio wrote:

> Iīm trying to do an "in-place" import.
> Now I removed our repository and created a new one.
> So, at this time nothing was imported, yet.
> Letīs inform what I did and whatīs my doubt:
> Trying to do an "in-place" import:
> # svnadmin /opt/svn/repos

I assume you meant "svnadmin create /opt/svn/repos"

> # svn mkdir file:///opt/svn/repos/project
> # cd /home
> # svn checkout file:///opt/svn/repos/project
> # cd project
> (Though somethings are different from the FAQ, it only worked
> this way. Following the FAQ itīs created a project inside another,
> like /home/project/project)
> # svn add templates includes
> At this point, if I type "svn propset svn:ignore '*' site/photos" I
> receive
> an error saying that site/photos isnīt a workcopy.

That's correct; site/photos isn't a working copy yet.

> And if I "add site", photos will be added, too, once itīs a siteīs
> subdirectory.

True! In this case, you should add the "site" directory non-
recursively, like this:

svn add --non-recursive site

Then, as before, you have two options. (Which one you choose is up to
you or your project's requirements.) Either you add the "photos"
directory but leave it empty. If you want that, then you would:

# go into the site directory
cd site
# add the photos directory non-recursively (add an empty photos
directory, basically)
svn add --non-recursive photos
# ignore everything in the photos directory
svn propset svn:ignore '*' photos

On the other hand, you could leave the photos directory out entirely.
If that's what you want:

# ignore the photos directory in the site directory
svn propset svn:ignore photos site

> PS: I have read almost the whole Subversion Book, but itīs
> so many information to be understood. In the other side, many
> things arenīt clear enough in the book, for new user.
> For exemplo: The session svn:ignore doesnīt have enough examples.

I think the book is fairly good, but I admit it's hard for someone
who already knows the product to write a guide that properly explains
it to someone who does not. There is a separate mailing list for the
book; if you have suggestions for how the book could be improved for
newcomers, I'm sure they would appreciate it.


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Received on Fri Nov 24 20:44:05 2006

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