Spawning a new thread since this part of the discussion not exactly
fits into the old thread.
> (Even with all that, I still couldn't get vss2svn working... so we just
> left VSS+SOS in place for historical purposes and loaded the current
> revision of everything into SVN.)
We tried to use vss2svn to migrate our VSS db to SVN. It worked quite well
but some files were orphaned due to reasons that were not clearly
from looking at the history. vss2svn uses "orphans" to store files that
have undergone freaky events during their history which can not be
interpreted faithfully after the fact. If you have fiddled a lot with
branching and pinning in VSS for a certain file, then orphaning it is
some sort of a safe resort to at least have the file in svn after the
migration. Some examples where vss2svn decided to orphanize a file were
explainable from the history in VSS, but some orphaned files appeared to
a rather trivial history (i.e. no sharing/branching/whatnot but only plain
changes accumulated over time).
This behavior left us with some sort of uncertain feeling in the neck
about how well the history would be represented in SVN after the migration,
so we plan to do *exactly* what you did.
Since the migration heavily depends on features of svndumpfilter and
svnadmin load, the problems we observed can not necessarily only be
blamed on vss2svn alone.
Oh, and BTW, don't ask about any log files that were written during
the migration. I had to delete the stuff from my 40GB disk which ran
full after the migration attempt. Now i have roughly 20GB free again ;-)
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Received on Fri Nov 17 09:09:13 2006