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Re: Is label support in future release?

From: Danny van Heumen <danny.vanheumen_at_hccnet.nl>
Date: 2006-11-17 00:05:08 CET

Phyrefly wrote:
>> Where's the poison in changing a location, instead of changing a
>> revision number? As far as I can tell, both mean you have to change 1
>> argument of the command to a different one.
> You change the rev # every time you want something other than the
> head. Why change the URL instead of the rev # to get a specific rev?
> It's counter-intuitive.
K, then look at it this way:
I've made a copy of a document I'm sending to a company. I keep this
copy in a special drawer where I keep all sent-in copies.

When I use your approach, I'm going to go to the large pile of document
print-outs (versions), searching through it to find the correct version
(with a post-it note sticking to it, saying: "I sent this copy to the

While my approach says: Go to the drawer with sent-in documents. Find
the folder labeled with the document name and the company name and get it.

Comparing it to a simple real life example, I find my approach more
logical, don't you?

>> You do know that it's possible to:
>> 1. Set read-only access to the 'tags' (or 'label' in this case) part of
>> the repository right? You can do this for everyone except for the person
>> who's going to label things.
>> 2. Set a pre-commit hook (this is actually a feature, not a hack) to
>> prevent *changing* subdirectories of the 'tags' directory, while
>> allowing to *add* a new label.
> It's USING a feature to hack another feature to feel like a missing
> feature. And it still doesn't have all the functionality of the
> missing feature.
>> You know, it's not fair to ask for mutable labels in one part of your
>> message, and complain about mutable labels in a different part of the
>> same message... Do you want labels to be able to change or not???
> I've never complained about mutable labels. I've possibly quoted
> someone else doing so (in order to disagree with them), but I never
> have.
Actually you have, when you said this:

[[[ (This was in naming examples of complex labels.)
At it's simplest, yes. There are some more complex ideas being
suggested too, which I think would be a benefit (complex labels,
mutable labels etc), but this is the simplest version, yes.

[[[ (This was when explaining why it's too much like a branch.)
Because it's
possible to treat it like a branch (commit further revisions, etc) - I
have to configure more things to stop it being used as one

So here you say that labels shouldn't be changed. (= committing further
revisions, which includes including files from different revisions, etc.)

>> Please!!! Name the flexibility I'm missing because I've created a copy
>> instead of just a label. (I seriously can't think of any.)
> You can't feed it into an svn command instead of a rev number. It's
> no longer just an "earlier copy" of the HEAD file, it's a _different
> URL_ - and that's not a simple adjustment for a non-techy to make.
So you tell me that if I make a copy of a document, and put it somewhere
else, that the contents of the copy have changed?

> Seriously, I've not been asked a question that's had a different
> answer since I chipped into this thread, ...
Sorry, didn't mean it this way.


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Received on Fri Nov 17 00:05:49 2006

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