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Fwd: Is label support in future release?

From: Phyrefly <phyrefly.phyre_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-11-16 23:22:02 CET

(Brought back to the list... again)

> Where's the poison in changing a location, instead of changing a
> revision number? As far as I can tell, both mean you have to change 1
> argument of the command to a different one.

You change the rev # every time you want something other than the
head. Why change the URL instead of the rev # to get a specific rev?
It's counter-intuitive.

> Look, I understand you don't like changing the location, I really do.
> Looking at it from a CVS point-of-view it seems very strange. But other
> than that I haven't heard an argument yet. (or I have missed it, maybe I
> am blinded by SVN ideas?)

Please tell me if there's another way I can put this, so that people
will understand it:
It's more complex (too complex, in this case) for non-technical users.

> You do know that it's possible to:
> 1. Set read-only access to the 'tags' (or 'label' in this case) part of
> the repository right? You can do this for everyone except for the person
> who's going to label things.
> 2. Set a pre-commit hook (this is actually a feature, not a hack) to
> prevent *changing* subdirectories of the 'tags' directory, while
> allowing to *add* a new label.

It's USING a feature to hack another feature to feel like a missing
feature. And it still doesn't have all the functionality of the
missing feature.

> You know, it's not fair to ask for mutable labels in one part of your
> message, and complain about mutable labels in a different part of the
> same message... Do you want labels to be able to change or not???

I've never complained about mutable labels. I've possibly quoted
someone else doing so (in order to disagree with them), but I never

> Please!!! Name the flexibility I'm missing because I've created a copy
> instead of just a label. (I seriously can't think of any.)

You can't feed it into an svn command instead of a rev number. It's
no longer just an "earlier copy" of the HEAD file, it's a _different
URL_ - and that's not a simple adjustment for a non-techy to make.

Seriously, I've not been asked a question that's had a different
answer since I chipped into this thread, I can't think of any new ways
to put this, so I'm not going to reply to any more questions asking me
to repeat myself. I think everyone will be happy not to have to read
the same answers again. If I ignore a post asking me to justify
something, have a look through the history of this thread.

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Received on Thu Nov 16 23:22:46 2006

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