Stephen A. Jazdzewski writes:
> This new promote command would be like a server side switch command.
> The new promote command would have at least these two forms:
> svn promote file:///svn/tag/project/alpha6.1 file:///svn/build/project
> and
> svn promote -r2264 file:///svn/build/project
> In both of these examples, file:///svn/build/project already exists
> as a result of an earlier copy command like
> svn copy file:///svn/trunk/project file:///svn/build/project
> In the first example, tag alpha6.1 is revision 2264 of
> file:///svn/trunk/project.
> The execution of the promote command would have to same result as
> svn delete file:///svn/build/project
> svn copy -r2264 file:///svn/trunk/project file:///svn/build/project
> or
> svn delete file:///svn/build/project
> svn copy file:///svn/tag/project/alpha6.1 file:///svn/build/project
I also frequently copy over an existing dirctory in a repository. The
delete / copy pair is a bit annoying, though not difficult to manage
in a script.
What might be useful is the ability to perform a generalized set of
actions as a single new repository version, something like (this is
obviously not a suggested syntax but I think expresses the idea):
svn {
delete URL2
copy URL1 URL2
or (
svn {
copy TRUNKURL/path1 TAGURL/path1
copy TRUNKURL/path2 TAGURL/path2
copy TRUNKURL/path3 TAGURL/path3
Multiple svn commands can be used today, but each one creates a new
revision, which is a bit annoying when later having to wade through
logs containing a list of revisions which perform one logical
Thomas Wicklund
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Received on Thu Nov 16 17:56:01 2006