I'm a newbie to SVN and come from a VSS (I know, I know) background.
We'd really like to switch to subversion but the one show-stopper for us
is the lack of file sharing.
A very large number of our VSS projects share code files. In fact, I'm
not sure we have any projects that don't share some sort of file with
another project.
Now VSS has it's faults, but this feature is a real winner in our
developer community and prevents the re-invention of the wheel. In
fact, I'd go further and say thay this feature has been fundamental to
the increased stability of some of our modules - as they get used in
more and more projects they get better and better debugged in more and
more diverse operating conditions.
As I understand it, the "externals" feature of svn is only applicable to
directories. Has anyone got any ideas how I could mitigate the lack of
sharing files in svn that might come some way close to exhibiting the
desired behaviour?
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Received on Wed Nov 15 20:29:38 2006