I'm looking for a solution to put configuration files of multiple hosts
under version control and so far I've come up with the solution below,
which I'd like to share.
The configuration files share some kind of inheritance: A change in the
global configuration file should be propagated to all host configuration
files. For example, consider a .bashrc configuration file running on 4
hosts on 2 domains:
(global) bashrc >> (domain) planet >> (host) saturn
(global) bashrc >> (domain) planet >> (host) pluto
(global) bashrc >> (domain) country >> (host) england
(global) bashrc >> (domain) country >> (host) spain
The "branch inheritance by convention" goes like this: Create a
repository with directories for every class (i.e. domain/host), using the
convention: each directory must be prefixed with its parent name:
(Note: You can apply this to filenames as well, naming it "File
inheritance by convention" :-)
|- bashrc
|- bashrc-planet
|- bashrc-planet.saturn
|- bashrc-planet.pluto
|- bashrc-country
|- bashrc-country.england
|- bashrc-country.spain
I've created a short shell script svnMergeChilds.sh which merges parent
changes to all childs (see end of mail or download from
Scenario 1: Merge changes in global .bashrc to all childs
Suppose you've made a modification (say revision 2) in the global .bashrc
you'd like to see propagated to all childs. Here's the command to do so
(leave out --dry-run for an actual run):
svnMergeChilds.sh -r1:2 --dry-run file:///proj/bash/repos/trunk/bashrcbashrc
Scenario 2: Merge changes in domain .bashrc to domain childs
Suppose you've made a modification (say revision 3) in the .bashrc planet
domain you'd like to see propagated to all childs of the planet domain.
Here's the command to do so (leave out --dry-run for an actual run):
svnMergeChilds.sh -r2:3 --dry-run
file:///proj/bash/repos/trunk/bashrc-planet bashrc-planet
See also: http://fvue.nl/svnMergeChilds/ (for nicer ASCII art diagrams and
a DejaGnu testsuite)
Hope this is useful,
Freddy Vulto
#--- svnMergeChilds.sh --------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2006 Freddy Vulto
# Version: 1.0.2
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
# http://fvue.nl/svnMergeChilds/
set -o errexit # Exit on error
set -o nounset # Trigger error when expanding unset variables
function svnMergeChilds {
# If no arguments, or -h, or --help, show usage
[[ $# == 0 || $1 == -h || $1 == --help ]] && {
echo -n Merge childs: Apply the difference between
echo two sources to multiple working copy paths
echo Usage: $(basename $0) ... NAME_PARENT
echo See \'svn help merge\' for ... arguments.
echo For more information, see http://fvue.nl/svnMergeChilds/
return $(test $# -gt 0)
# Get last parameter
# Unset last positional parameter
args=( "$@" ); unset args[${#args[@]}-1]; set -- "${args[@]}"
# Indicate non-verbose if either -q or --quiet specified
for i; do [ "$i" = -q -o "$i" = --quiet ] && beVerbose=0; done
# Loop through childs
shopt -s failglob nullglob; for i in "$parent"?*; do
(( "${beVerbose-1}" )) && echo svn merge "$@" "$i"
svn merge "$@" "$i"
} # svnMergeChilds
svnMergeChilds "$@"
Received on Sun Nov 12 11:32:11 2006