On Nov 7, 2006, at 18:32, Catto, James ((Corp)) wrote:
> I am now trying to use svnserve under xinetd on a Linux box to
> allow access to clients.
> $ uname -a
> Linux machineName 2.6.9-5.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 19:30:39 EST 2005
> i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> I can access the repository as user ‘svn’ using:
> $ svn list file://localhost/usr/share/svn/webapps
> branches/
> tags/
> trunk/
> and also:
> $ svn list svn+ssh://localhost/usr/share/svn/webapps
> svn@localhost's password:
> branches/
> tags/
> trunk/
> But I do not want to tunnel through SSH. And I get the following
> error without it:
> $ svn list svn://localhost/usr/share/svn/webapps
> svn: Malformed network data
> I have found reference to this error message at issue 1145 on SVN
> issue tracker,
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1145
> This seems to indicate that it has been resolved in version 1.4.0.
Bug 1145 seems to have been fixed in revisions 6052 and 6055 in May
2003. It also indicates it only applies to tunnel mode, which I think
means tunneling through SSH, which you've said works for you. You're
only having problems with non-tunneling mode, which that bug does not
talk about.
How are you starting the svnserve process? Note that when using the
svn+ssh protocol, you do not start svnserve yourself, but svn starts
it for you when your connection opens, and stops it when the
connection closes. With the svn protocol, on the other hand, you must
have an svnserve daemon already started, and running all the time.
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Received on Wed Nov 8 20:00:16 2006