Garrett Rooney wrote:
> On 10/6/06, Stefan Küng <> wrote:
>> Why do you want to implement your own crashhandler if you can use what
>> already exists?
>> The patch here:
>> and the modifications I made to the crash reporter used in TSVN
>> especially due to that request should be more than enough.
>> The code of the crash reporter dll is here:
> What license is that code under? I can't see anything specific in
> that directory, and since TortoiseSVN is GPLed we wouldn't be able to
> use its code directly in Subversion itself due to the viral nature of
> the license.
It doesn't have a real license. It's basically a heavily modified
version of some code example posted on
(codeproject requires code posted there to be free for any use if
nothing else is specified)
If you're concerned about the license:
You don't have to ship the dll with the Subversion binaries. In case
someone reports a crash, just point them to some place where they can
download the dll and put it into the same folder as the svn.exe resides.
The only thing required: the dll should be built with VC6 (the same as
svn.exe) to avoid problems with not-installed c-runtime libs.
My patch only installs the handler if the dll is present. If the dll
isn't there, the handler isn't installed and svn.exe behaves as always
(i.e. will crash as before in such cases).
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
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Received on Fri Oct 6 21:54:32 2006