I think that this is a commong request. There are files that are developer
specific. Those files should not be checked into repostitory, so they are
svn:ignored. However those files can be important to some process for
instance for build/deploy. It would be nice if I can check in a template for
those files. New developers will get them out, modify, but because they are
ignored, they will not be checked in. It means there should be some special
command that will check them in (in template form) by project administrator.
The solution seems to be to create a teplate file,
user-specific-file-template.txt, write inside something like "customize and
rename to user-specific-file.txt" and set ignore on user-specific-file.txt.
How do you manage this?
Thanks Jan
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Received on Mon Oct 2 12:34:58 2006